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L ARCH 200 Landscape Architecture Field Trips (2) SSc/A&H
Five field trips introduce typical landscape architecture projects and demonstrate scope of the landscape architecture field. Visits to major projects in the Puget Sound region include city and county parks, river parks, harbors, downtown redevelopments, streetscapes, campus headquarters, and others. Open to nonmajors.

L ARCH 210 Environmental Design and Sustainability (5) NSc
Foundational survey of contemporary practices of environmental design and sustainability in the built environments. Builds on knowledge generated from the concepts, principles, and methods of the natural sciences. Explores, examines, and proposes practical applications for engaging with the complex and multifaceted environmental, social, and political issues of urban areas. Offered: A.

L ARCH 212 Designing the Future (5) SSc/A&H
Ecological/environmental instability and resulting social/cultural disruptions make the world in which spatial designers work increasingly uncertain. Lectures and guest speakers explore diverse ways in which design may create more sustainable futures. Course activities, including in-class design exercises, internet research, group discussions, take home projects, etc. encourage synthetic/integrative thinking. Offered: A.

L ARCH 300 Introductory Landscape Architecture Design Studio (6) A&H
Introduction to history and environmental influences in field while developing design and graphic skills. Site analyses and drawing to convey design concepts. Relationship of visual perception to drawing, role of values in design, verbal communication, and behavioral analysis of design process. Required for admission to Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program.

L ARCH 301 Environmental Design Studio I (5) A&H
Explores environmental design process, principles, and skills through experiential learning to address global and local environmental and climate justice challenges through the design of healthy, sustainable communities. Students explore methods of problem-framing, development of imaginative site-based spatial strategies, site analysis, analog and digital graphic skills, verbal presentation, and cultivation of creative thinking. Prerequisite: L ARCH 300. Offered: A.

L ARCH 302 Environmental Design Studio II (5) A&H
Explores environmental design and planning process, principles, and skills through experiential learning to address local and global environmental and climate justice challenges by designing healthy, sustainable communities. Students explore methods of problem-framing, imaginative design approaches, and creative thinking that engages ecological systems and processes and human and more than human species to develop a resilient built environment. Prerequisite: L ARCH 300. Offered: W.

L ARCH 303 Environmental Design Studio III (5) A&H
Explores environmental design process, principles, and skills through experiential learning to address local and global environmental and climate justice challenges by designing healthy, sustainable communities. Students explore methods of problem-framing, imaginative design approaches, and cultivating creative thinking that engages neighborhood-scale design for social and environmental justice, design activism, and equitable communities. Prerequisite: L ARCH 300. Offered: Sp.

L ARCH 310 Landscape Architecture Field Sketching (2)
Introductory level sketching of landscape subjects: natural and urban sites, plants, animals, architectural elements. Emphasis on perspective. Various media, including pencil, charcoal, markers, ink wash, water color.

L ARCH 311 Introduction to Design Graphics (2)
Introduction to communication techniques for various phases of the design process. Many techniques are introduced and their suitability and appropriateness for different purposes explored.

L ARCH 322 Introduction to Planting Design (3) A&H
Traditional ways plants are used in landscape design. Composition and design characteristics of plant materials. Technical considerations for selection, climate, cultural suitability, availability, costs, and maintenance. Open to nonmajors.

L ARCH 323 Topics in Planting Design I (1)
Explores planting design topics that relate specifically to site, program, and design issues addressed in concurrent studio projects. Identifies and describes native and ornamental trees and shrubs on the UW campus and vicinity. Utilizes tree canopy layers, shrub masses, and ground plane layers as space forms in studio project designs. Concurrent with L ARCH 301.

L ARCH 324 Topics in Planting Design II (1)
Explores planting design topics that relate specifically to site, program, and design issues addressed in concurrent studio projects. Utilizes trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants as space forms in urban contexts. Utilizes plant characteristics of color, texture, and form in studio project design. Considers design principles of unity/diversity, complexity/simplicity, and pattern in studio project design. Concurrent with L ARCH 302.

L ARCH 325 Topics in Planting Design III (1)
Explores planting design topics that relate specifically to site, program, and design issues addressed in concurrent studio projects. Considers trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants of natural and ecosystems human-made plant communities. Considers plant community dynamics and changes over time. Concurrent with L ARCH 303.

L ARCH 341 Site Design and Planning (3) A&H
Introduces urban ecological design issues for good site-planning processes, principles, and methods. Linked with L ARCH 301. Addresses planning for people, natural systems in place-making, design for movement with carried land uses. Includes readings, discussions, presentations, campus walks, case studies, graphic and written assignments.

L ARCH 342 Design Technologies in Environmental Design and Sustainability (5)
Introduces design technologies that are used in environmental design and sustainability professions across phases of the site design process: surveying and site inventory, site analysis, design iteration and analysis, and design output. Explores a variety of technical approaches and digital tools, how they are used and applied throughout a design process, and a range of workflows used by professionals. Offered: A.

L ARCH 352 History of Landscape Architecture (5) A&H/SSc
Survey of the development of landscape architecture as an art form from Mesopotamia to the present. Relationships to physical landscape, climate, culture, religion, and other arts. Open to non-majors. Offered: A.

L ARCH 353 History of Modern Landscape Architecture (5) SSc/A&H
Development of profession and art of landscape architecture in the United States, Europe, South America, and Japan in relation to prevailing social, economic, political, and cultural factors. Relationships with other professions, especially architecture and urban planning, and other arts, such as painting and sculpture. Open to non-majors. Offered: W.

L ARCH 361 The Human Experience of Place (3) SSc/A&H, DIV
Interdisciplinary approaches to exploring the reciprocal relationship between people and the landscapes of everyday life. Through readings, discussion, in-class activities and mini-projects, students study place attachment, relationships to nature, environmental attitudes and perception, personal space, territoriality, urban public space, diversity, participation, and the politics of space. Open to nonmajors.

L ARCH 362 Design of Cities (3) SSc/A&H
Introduction to the discourses and debates in the contemporary design of cities. Provides an overview of design theories and examples of historic and contemporary work. Includes discussion of the contesting urban processes: visions and paradigms of city; discourses of nature and the city; contemporary urban changes; public and community process; and everyday place making.

L ARCH 363 Ecological Design and Planning (3) NSc
Introduction to landscape ecological theory applied to urban environments. Comparison of different vocabularies used to describe landscape structure and function, from the fields of landscape design, urban design, and biology. Discussion of design theories that have sought to re-center landscape planning and design around the goal of achieving ecological sustainability.

L ARCH 370 Professional Paths in Environmental Design and Sustainability (1)
Covers potential professional pathways and career choices related to environmental design and sustainability in the built environment. Topics include key issues, common activities, necessary skills, and tips for working in environmental design and sustainability. Includes lectures by practicing professionals from a range of positions and organizations on how and why they chose their career. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.

L ARCH 401 Design Foundations Studio (6)
Introduces site planning and design process, principles, and skills through experiential learning. Examines and applies landscape elements used to design, including plants. Activities foster skill in design process, shaping landscape form and space, creativity, communication, group dynamics, and organization. Includes required fieldtrips. Majors only. Offered: A.

L ARCH 402 Urban Sites Studio (6)
Explores application of design ideas and principles to urban sites. Applies theory and research informing the design of human environments and lessons from urban and ecological design precedents to the design of urban places. Includes design across scales to detailed site design studies, including planting design. Majors only. Offered: W.

L ARCH 403 Ecological Systems Studio (6)
Project design studies related to ecological systems. Emphasizes the innovative use of ecological processes and patterns in design development to improve designed landscape's performance. Both biophysical and social criteria are used to define performance. Introduces computer-mapping applications. Majors only. Offered: Sp.

L ARCH 404 Advanced Studio I (1-6, max. 12)
The advanced studio series employ a design as research approach to examine contemporary issues in landscape architecture that are culturally diverse, multi-scalar, and collaborative. The projects for each studio are distinct, however they all advance student's skills in design thinking, critical assessment, analysis, collaboration, and communication.

L ARCH 405 Advanced Studio II (1-6, max. 12)
Studies of the landscape at various scales and in diversified contexts. Offers better understanding of visual components of landscapes, designer's capacity to evaluate and change these components, and resultant interaction with, and effect on, landscape user.

L ARCH 406 Individual Design Studio (6)
Senior projects in landscape architecture; projects vary according to the student's particular emphasis and needs.

L ARCH 407 Advanced Studio III (1-6, max. 18)
The advanced studio series employ a design as research approach to examine contemporary issues in landscape architecture that are culturally diverse, multi-scalar and collaborative. Each studio is geared toward advancing student's skills in design thinking, critical assessment, analysis, collaboration and communication.

L ARCH 411 Landscape Representation I (3)
Introduces fundamental graphic and representation conventions, hand-drawing techniques, and media used in landscape architecture and environmental design. Emphasizes drawing and media skills that support design ability development. Includes lectures, demonstrations, display of examples, drawing from slides, and in-class workshops. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 412 Landscape Representation II (1-3, max. 6)
Development of advanced skills of visual representation to communicate students' visions for urban ecological design including techniques used during the design process and for presentation.

L ARCH 423 Plant Identification and Management (3)
Plants and the soil in which they grow are the living materials that form the foundational palette from which landscape architects work to design and manage landscapes. Learn to identify plants, their ecology and understand their maintenance requirements. Provides students with the opportunity to gain insight into the field of botany, biological complexity of plants and their structural contributions to urban ecology.

L ARCH 424 Planting Design Seminar (3)
Introduces and investigates the ecological and social functions behind planting design. Introduces conceptual methods to planting design using various 'lenses'. Discusses the relationship between planting plan graphics and their actual three-dimensional applications. Focuses on combining plants into a cohesive, artistic, and ecologically responsible design that responds appropriately to site conditions. Prerequisite: either L ARCH 423, ESRM 331/BIOL 331, or BIOL 446.

L ARCH 425 Advanced Planting Design Studio (1-6, max. 6)
Advanced seminar/studio in planting design. Provides opportunity to explore ecological, technical, and esthetic principles for selecting plants to meet specific site conditions. Project types include historical sites, multifamily housing projects, plazas, landfills, and reclamation sites.

L ARCH 431 Landform Grading and Drainage (3)
Introduces the concepts and methods behind grading and drainage and how they are used as design and problem-solving tools. Covers the relationship between grading and drainage plan graphics and their actual three-dimensional applications. Presents basic design principles. Considers the ecological and artistic approaches to grading and drainage. Majors only.

L ARCH 432 Materials, Craft, and Construction (3)
Materials and material assemblies in landscape architecture. Material fundamentals, design, detailing and construction techniques. Site-based material analysis and hands-on fabrication. Prerequisite: L ARCH 431.

L ARCH 433 Design Implementation (3)
Provides an understanding of essential considerations of design implementation and construction documentation in landscape architecture. Emphasizes the landscape architect's skill in preparing drawings and specifications and their role during bidding and construction. Includes production of a construction drawing set. Prerequisite: L ARCH 432 and L ARCH 441.

L ARCH 434 Urban Soils and Hydrology (3)
Develops basic understanding and skills related to soil properties and their specification for use in horticulture and hydrological performance, and knowledge and skills needed by landscape architects to implement design solutions that manipulate urban hydrological conditions. Majors only. Prerequisite: L ARCH 433.

L ARCH 435 Sustainable Design Methods in Environmental Design (3)
Introduces students to a variety of design and evaluative methods used to achieve sustainable environmental design. Students gain familiarity with a range of design methods across different scales such as material selections, site-based strategies, and urban, infrastructural, and technological systems that address societal and planetary challenges including those related to water, carbon and energy, biodiversity, and waste. Offered: Sp.

L ARCH 440 Digital Media I in Landscape (1-3, max. 3)
Introduces digital applications and methodologies useful in landscape architectures' interpretive, iterative design, production, and presentation processes. Focuses on skills in 2D CAD, 3D visualization, graphic representation, and the integration of manual and digital techniques. Prerequisite: L ARCH 411.

L ARCH 441 Digital Media II in Landscape (3)
Explores Computer Aided Design as a powerful tool in landscape design, analysis, and visualization. Consists of four core units: 2D CAD drafting; digital terrain modeling; 3D solids and surface modeling; and visualization. Prerequisite: L ARCH 440.

L ARCH 450 History of Environmental Design in the Pacific Northwest (3) A&H
Development of landscape architecture, architecture, and urban planning in the Pacific Northwest from nineteenth century to the present, with major emphasis on twentieth century. Open to nonmajors.

L ARCH 451 History of Environmental Design on the West Coast (3) A&H
Development of the environmental arts of landscape architecture, architecture, and urban planning from the eighteenth century to the present, with major emphasis on the twentieth century. Open to nonmajors.

L ARCH 454 History of Urban Landscapes and Environments (5) SSc
Explores the history and historiography of urban landscapes and the design of cities with an emphasis on North America in the context of the broader study of cities in China, Japan, and in the Western world from the pre-classical through twentieth centuries in Europe. Offered: Sp.

L ARCH 463 Urban Recreational Design (3) A&H/SSc
Special recreational studies in metropolitan, urban, and neighborhood areas; the design, policies, and behavioral studies of existing parks, playgrounds, public places, and commercial areas. Design projects dealing with the play environment for all ages. Open to nonmajors.

L ARCH 470 Landscape Architecture Tutorial (2, max. 6)
Various aspects of project organization, programming, scheduling of workloads, graphic and verbal communication problems, data collection methods and interpretation, methodologies for landscape planting and design.

L ARCH 473 Professional Practice (3)
Professional practice in private office, academic institutions, and public agencies. Evolution of landscape architecture as a profession, possible scenarios for future, variety of practice types and their relationships, ethical and legal/contractual responsibilities of a professional.

L ARCH 474 Design Build Studio I (1-6, max. 6)
Detailed design studies of small-to-medium-scale projects. General focus on public landscape areas and social/psychological uses of site. Specific focus on design development and professional office presentation. Offered: W.

L ARCH 475 Design Build Studio II (1-6, max. 6)
Students design and construct a community based project, synthesizing prior course instruction by going through the design process from concept to schematic design, creating construction documents, and implementing what they have designed. Offered: Sp.

L ARCH 476 Internship (1-6, max. 9)
Working experiences at various levels of professional endeavor. Student apprenticeship in selected private offices and public agencies. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 477 Landscape Architecture Consultancy Studio (3-6, max. 6)
Simulation of the professional relationship of the landscape architect as a consultant to University students in other design planning and management disciplines. Focus on site analysis, master planning, schematic designs and detailed design, working drawings, and planting plans associated with student projects.

L ARCH 481 Planning Urban Green Infrastructure Networks for Healthy Cities (5)
Explores the planning of green infrastructures to maximize ecosystems services and support more compact and livable communities. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 482 Designing High Performance Landscapes (5)
Looks at ways to design ' high performance landscapes' that integrate ecological realities and urban infrastructural needs while expressing an aesthetic of performance. From site analysis to final design, provides hands-on experience in creating green infrastructure assets in the urban environment. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 490 Advanced Studio - Study Abroad (1-6, max. 18)
Employs a design as research approach to examine contemporary issues in landscape architecture in contexts outside the United States. Specific to location of designated study abroad program. Offered for study abroad programs hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

L ARCH 491 Landscape Architecture History - Study Abroad (1-5, max. 10) SSc
Examines the history of urban environments in relation to theory in landscape architecture. Specific to location of designated study abroad program. Offered for study abroad programs hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture. Offered: AWSpS.

L ARCH 492 Advanced Representation - Study Abroad (1-3, max. 9) A&H
Includes practices in architectural sketching, drawing, modeling, and other presentation techniques. Students learn and practice these techniques to better understand observational practices of their surroundings. Specific to location of designated study abroad program. Offered for study abroad programs hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture. Offered: AWSpS.

L ARCH 493 Construction Materials and Methods - Study Abroad (1-3, max. 6)
Examines materials, material assemblies, design, detailing, and construction techniques. Specific to location of designated study abroad program. Offered for study abroad programs hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture. Offered: AWSpS.

L ARCH 494 Planting Design Seminar - Study Abroad (1-3, max. 6)
Examines the ecological and social functions behind planting design in landscape architecture. Specific to location of designated study abroad program. Offered for study abroad programs hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture. Offered: AWSpS.

L ARCH 495 Special Topics - Study Abroad (1-8, max. 24)
Conducted under direct supervision of a faculty member on a topic. Specific to location of designated study abroad program. Offered for study abroad programs hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture. Offered: AWSpS.

L ARCH 496 Cultural Studies - Study Abroad (1-3, max. 6)
Examines the language, art, food, music, and other activities that influence landscapes and built environments. Specific to location of designated study abroad program. Offered for study abroad programs hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture. Offered: AWSpS.

L ARCH 497 Urban Fieldwork - Study Abroad (1-6, max. 12)
Analysis and interpretation of built environments to examine contemporary issues in landscape architecture through direct observation and research in contexts outside the United States. Specific to location of designated study abroad program. Offered for study abroad programs hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture. Offered: AWSpS.

L ARCH 498 Special Projects (1-10, max. 30)
Special projects as arranged. Open to nonmajors.

L ARCH 499 Undergraduate Research (1-9, max. 9)
Individual or small-group studies pertaining to special problems, theories, or issues of landscape architecture and environmental issues.

L ARCH 501 Advanced Studio IV (1-6, max. 18)
The advanced studio series employ a design as research approach to examine contemporary issues in landscape architecture that are culturally diverse, multi-scalar, and collaborative. Each studio is geared toward advancing student's skills in design thinking, critical assessment, analysis, collaboration and communication. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 502 Advanced Studio V (1-6, max. 18)
The advanced studio series employ a design as research approach to examine contemporary issues in landscape architecture that are culturally diverse, multi-scalar, and collaborative. Each studio is geared toward advancing student's skills in design thinking, critical assessment, analysis, collaboration, and communication. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

L ARCH 503 Advanced Studio VI (1-6, max. 18)
The advanced studio series employ a design as research approach to examine contemporary issues in landscape architecture that are culturally diverse, multi-scalar, and collaborative. Each studio is geared toward advancing student's skills in design thinking, critical assessment, analysis, collaboration, and communication. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 504 Advanced Studio VII (1-6, max. 18)
The advanced studio series employ a design as research approach to examine contemporary issues in landscape architecture that are culturally diverse, multi-scalar, and collaborative. Each studio is geared toward advancing student's skills in design thinking, critical assessment, analysis, collaboration, and communication. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 505 Landscape Planning Studio (1-6, max. 6)
Examines the theory and techniques of landscape planning across a wide range of spatial scales and contexts in the design process. Explores the application of planning techniques and technologies by a specific design or planning project. Offered: A.

L ARCH 506 Landscape Visual Resources (1-6, max. 6)
Survey of existing theory/techniques and the generation of new methods to analyze, evaluate, plan, design, and manage the visual resources of the landscape.

L ARCH 507 Art and Landscape Studio (1-6, max. 6)
Public art placed in, or developed for, specific landscape settings. Various aspects and benefits of public art, including materials, technologies, philosophies of landscape imagery and meaning. General planning criteria for location for maximum public benefit and identification of objectives for a specific site and artwork.

L ARCH 511 Visual Learning (3)
Seminar/laboratory to develop visual learning processes and skills for applying these processes to landscape architecture. Related visualization concepts.

L ARCH 523 Landscape Technology (1-6, max. 6)
Studio on rehabilitation of stressed urban landscapes. Focus varies but often deals with an analysis of the potentials in urban watershed and the study of alternative site designs for enhancing a range of landscape functions related to water quality. Taught by an interdisciplinary team.

L ARCH 552 History of Landscape Architecture (5)
Surveys the development of landscape architecture as an art form and a practice across diverse cultures and places in the context of developing historiographical approaches and frameworks.

L ARCH 553 History of Modern Landscape Architecture (5)
Focuses on building an historic and critical overview of modernism and modernist designs in the practice and discipline of landscape architecture. Focuses on critical readings of historical narratives to explore the emergence of theory in practice.

L ARCH 561 The Human Experience of Place (3)
Uses interdisciplinary approaches to explore the reciprocal relationship between people and the landscapes of everyday life. Studies place attachment, relationships to nature, environmental attitudes and perception, personal space, territoriality, urban public space, diversity, participation, and the politics of space. Offered: A.

L ARCH 562 Landscape Art (2)
Process of developing and placing artwork in specific landscape settings. Types of artwork and landscape settings; ways for artist and site designer to interpret, alter, and incorporate factors of landscape; viewer's perception and experience; examples of public and private support.

L ARCH 563 Ecological Design and Planning (3)
Explores the contemporary theory supporting the practice of ecological design and planning. Examines the potential relationships between ecological theory and design applications, particularly in urban environments. Topics are supported by a diverse collection of examples and case studies. Offered: Sp.

L ARCH 564 Sustainable Urban Landscapes (2)
Introduces contemporary literature on urban sustainability and provides a forum for discussion about theories, applications, and practices towards the planning and design of sustainable and ecological urban environments. Offered: A.

L ARCH 570 Landscape Architecture Theory and Scholarship (3)
Covers the nature of scholarship and theory building in landscape architecture. Investigates scholarship related to the design process, design critique, research, and practice. Includes consideration of capstone project topics. Offered: W.

L ARCH 571 Faculty Seminar (1)
Introduction to the research and scholarly inquiry of core, adjunct and affiliate faculty of the Landscape Architecture Department for graduate students. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.

L ARCH 572 Research Methods in Landscape Architecture (3)
Introduction to and exploration of selected research methods employed in landscape architecture research. Emphasizes how to apply research methods to a research question or problem. Includes exploration of data analysis and interpretation of research results.

L ARCH 590 Seminar in Landscape Architecture (1-3, max. 12)
Advanced topics in landscape architecture with focus on unpublished areas of research.

L ARCH 598 Special Topics (1-6, max. 30)
Systematic study of specialized regional landscape subject matter, including history, technology, implementation, and other topics depending on current interest/needs. Topics vary and are announced in the preceding quarter.

L ARCH 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)

L ARCH 601 Internship (1-6, max. 9)

L ARCH 700 Master's Thesis (*-)

L ARCH 701 Thesis Studio (1-6, max. 12)
Studio designed to support students' independent thesis research and design process by providing a structured framework for regular meetings, studio reviews, peer/committee/guest critiques, and process reflections. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 702 Capstone Project Studio (1-10, max. 18)
Capstone design research studio focused on contemporary issues within landscape architecture discipline and practice. Credit/no-credit only.

L ARCH 703 Group Project (1-10, max. 18)
Capstone projects proposed by students focused on contemporary issues within landscape architecture discipline and practice. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.