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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

RES D 550 P-Directed Studies in Restorative Dentistry (*, max. 6)
See DPHS 449 for course description. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

RES D 570 Review of Literature Seminar (1, max. 6)
Continuous weekly seminar devoted to a review of restorative and related literature, and discussion of teaching methods, philosophy of teaching, and treatment. Offered: AWSp.

RES D 580 Restorative Treatment Planning Seminar (1-, max. 8)
Continuous weekly seminar to discuss controversial treatment problems and difficult diagnostic cases selected for graduate students. Offered: AWSp.

RES D 582 Prosthodontics Current Literature Review (1, max. 8)
This course satisfies the educational requirement for the resident to have an in-depth knowledge of current literature. Graduate Prosthodontics students will be assigned one article per week from a list of peer-reviewed journals. Each student will present a short (less than 10 min) discussion of the paper along with a written abstract. Offered: AWSpS.

RES D 585 Advanced Dental Materials Science (2)
Advanced concepts of dental materials science including physical, mechanical, chemical, and biological properties of restorative dental materials. Emphasis also on research design, testing methods, and proper selection of dental materials for clinical practice. Offered: W.

RES D 588 Masticatory Functional Analysis and Occlusal Adjustment (2)
Lecture/seminar and clinical sessions in the study of the physiology of occlusion. Pertinent literature reviewed and discussed from the multidisciplinary viewpoint. The clinical sessions include training in masticatory functional analysis and treatment of occlusally related diseases. Offered: A.

RES D 589 Review of Literature in Occlusion (2)
Seminar to review pertinent literature in occlusion. Offered: S.

RES D 590 Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics (2-, max. 4)
Lecture/laboratory/clinical sessions in the study of gnathological principles and procedures as they pertain to the treatment of comprehensive cases assigned to the students. Use and application of several articulators. Offered: A.

RES D 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Adviser. Offered: AWSpS.

RES D 620 P-Comprehensive Treatment Planning in Restorative Dentistry (3)
Orientation to restorative clinical operations, administrative procedures associated with patient management, and formulation of treatment plans. Emphasizes problem-based learning, treatment outcomes, the sequence of clinical treatment, and the diagnosis and management of dental disease. Offered: S.

RES D 650 Restorative Dentistry Clinical Elective (1-6, max. 12)
Elective offering in clinical areas related to discipline. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

RES D 651 Advanced Restorative Dentistry - Selective (1)
Provides additional training in restorative dentistry and planning for transitioning to private practice dentistry. Seminars and clinical experiences emphasize: complex amalgam restorations, cast gold restorations, posts and pins, feather margin design, partial coverage crowns, direct gold restorations, and complex restorative options. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.

RES D 653 Clinical Magnification - Selective (1)
Faculty and affiliate members from the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics will participate with senior dental students in this active learning course, which will include didactic and clinical experiences in the provision of oral health care using high level magnification. Offered: AWSpS.

RES D 655 Peer Mentor Restorative Dentistry - Selective (1, max. 12)
Senior dental students participate as Peer Mentors for 1st and 2nd year dental students in various per-clinical Restorative Dentistry courses. This experience builds upon, enhances and refines the students in Peer Mentoring. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

RES D 660 Oral Rehabilitation ([1-6]-, max. 32)
Clinical course to provide experience in diagnosis and treatment of patients requiring restorative procedures from single restorations to complex oral rehabilitative methods. Special emphasis is directed toward the integration of periodontics and occlusion as they relate to restorative dentistry. Offered: AWSpS.

RES D 662 CAD/CAM in Restorative Dentistry - Selective (1, max. 4)
Provides a systematic approach to learn about incorporating digital impression systems and CAD/CAM technology. Discuss ideal tooth preparation for all CAD/CAM restorations, digital impression, virtually design, sintering and staining technique, and selecting the proper ceramic materials and luting agents. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of these digital technologies and how digital dentistry can be brought into our future practice. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

RES D 663 Advanced Operative Dentistry through Conservative Cast Gold - Selective (1)
This course builds upon, enhances and refines the students Operative Dentistry skill sets via the design, preparation and seating of indirect, conservative cast gold restorations. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.

RES D 664 Lasers in Restorative Dentistry (1)
Provides an overview of lasers, especially in the discipline of Restorative Dentistry, including: applications of laser devices for dental purposes, effects of laser irradiation on healthy tooth tissues, the effect of lasers on carious structures, vital pulp therapy, and the application of laser-initiated reversible cement. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

RES D 665 Advanced Clinical Geriatric Dentistry - Selective (1)
Provides students with additional clinical experience in comprehensive dental treatment of medically compromised and dentally complex geriatric patients. Prerequisite: one geriatrics rotation in either DENTGP 653, DENTGP 663, or DENTGP 673. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

RES D 672 Direct Gold Restorations - Selective (2)
Lectures cover historical information and the technical requirements for commonly used direct gold restorations. Emphasis on the special requirements in cavity detail and insertion methods for successful accomplishment of direct gold restorations. Students will gain experience in the Class 1, Class 5, and Class 6 restorations. Additionally, didactic information will be presented in the Class 6, Class 2, and Class 3 restorations. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.