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MSE 170 Fundamentals of Materials Science (4) NSc
Fundamental principles of structure and properties of materials utilized in the practice of engineering. Properties of materials as related to atomic, molecular, and crystalline structures. Metals, ceramics, multiphase systems, and polymeric materials. Relationships between structure and electrical, mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. Course overlaps with: B ENGR 320 and TME 320. Prerequisite: Either CHEM 142, CHEM 143, or CHEM 145. Offered: AWSpS.

MSE 197 Case Studies in Materials Innovation (2)
Materials science concepts, with emphasis on career opportunities in Materials Science and Engineering. Includes structural materials, electronic materials, biomaterials, and energy related materials. Development of scientific analysis and research proposal formulation skills. Prerequisite: either CHEM 142, CHEM 143, or CHEM 145. Offered: Sp.

MSE 298 Introduction to Modern Materials (1)
Materials and advances in materials are at the core of a large number of significant technological advances. Seminar format highlights processing, properties, and uses of a broad class of materials for a variety of applications, each introduced by a faculty member from the department. Offered: ASp.

MSE 310 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (3)
Introduces the materials field to new department majors. Examples are drawn from ceramics, metals, polymers, electronic materials, and composites. Structure-properties-manufacturing-design relationships are emphasized. Materials selection design project. Introduction to research. Offered: A.

MSE 311 Integrated Undergraduate Laboratory I (3)
Laboratory experimentation and techniques used in evaluating the physical properties of metals, ceramics, and polymers. Use and instruction of analytical equipment, library resources for reference and literature searches, laboratory report writing, laboratory notebook recording, and data analysis. Prerequisite: MSE 170, which may be taken concurrently Offered: A.

MSE 312 Integrated Undergraduate Laboratory II (3)
Materials processing-related laboratory experiments for producing advanced ceramic, metallic, polymeric and composite materials. Examination of particle-particle interactions and rheological behavior. Proper experimental documentation, formal laboratory reports, research project. Prerequisite: MSE 311. Offered: W.

MSE 313 Integrated Undergraduate Laboratory III (3)
Laboratory experiments for characterizing advanced ceramic, metallic, polymeric, semiconducting and composite materials. Examination of processess of mechanical, electrical, dielectric and optical measurements for the understanding of the particulars of property measurements. Materials engineering project, including project paper and oral presentation. Prerequisite: MSE 312. Offered: Sp.

MSE 321 Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibrium (4)
Phase equilibria in materials systems of one, two, and three components. Determination of phase diagrams. Quantitative applications of thermodynamics to systems of interest to materials scientists; detained review of thermodynamic laws and principles. Offered: A.

MSE 322 Kinetics and Microstructural Evolution (4)
Applications of thermodynamic and kinetic principles to the study of transport processes, transformations and reactions in engineering materials. Thermal activation and rates of processes, nucleation and growth, phase transformations, grain growth, sintering, among other processes. Prerequisite: MSE 321. Offered: W.

MSE 331 Crystallography and Structure (3)
Theory and practice of x-ray diffraction with applications to materials sitemaps. Principles of crystal symmetry, lattice systems, and stereographic projections. Bragg's law of diffraction, Laue conditions, diffraction by X-rays, single crystal and powder diffraction techniques and their applications to lattice, phase, strain, and texture analyses. Prerequisite: MSE 170. Offered: A.

MSE 333 Materials Characterization (3)
Principles and applications of analytical techniques, imaging, diffraction and spectroscopy for materials characterization including crystal structures, texture formation, phase analysis. Nano- and micro-structures of materials including defects and second phases, chemistry, bonding, compositions of materials. Demonstrations and lab experiments involving light scattering and diffraction techniques. Prerequisite: MSE 170; MSE 331; MSE 351. Offered: Sp.

MSE 342 Materials Processing I (3)
Provides students with the fundamentals and applications of metal and alloy processing techniques. Focuses on relationships between the processing fundamentals and practice, and between processing, microstructure, and properties. Ferrous and non-ferrous metal and alloy processing discussed. Prerequisite: MSE 170; MSE 321. Offered: W.

MSE 351 Electronic Properties of Materials (3)
Introduction to elementary solid-state concepts in materials, free electrons, and band theories. Principles to conduction in metals, insulators, semiconductors, and applications of semiconductors and devices. Prerequisite: MSE, 170, MSE 331. Offered: W.

MSE 352 Functional Properties of Materials I (3)
Introduction to thermal properties, electrical (ionic and polaron) conduction and optical properties, including origins of color, interaction of light wave with materials, lasers and optoelectronics. Focuses on the relations between physical properties and chemical composition, crystal structure, and microstructure. Course overlaps with: B PHYS 442. Prerequisite: MSE 351. Offered: Sp.

MSE 362 Mechanical Behavior of Materials I (3)
Influence of structure on the mechanical properties materials. Definition of different mechanical properties and experimental techniques to measure them. Elastic, viscoelastic, and plastic deformation. Introduction to fracture. Prerequisite: MSE 170. Offered: Sp.

MSE 399 Undergraduate Research Seminar (1)
Introduces Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) majors to MSE faculty research activities and to the research projects available in MSE faculty laboratories. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

MSE 431 Failure Analysis and Durability of Materials (3)
Treats the areas of failure analysis and durability in a wide range of materials applications. Reviews concepts in mechanical and environmental behavior of materials. Includes instruments available to engineers, both destructive and nondestructive, and case studies. Prerequisite: MSE 333; MSE 342; MSE 362; CEE 220 Offered: W.

MSE 442 Materials Processing II (3)
Develops a basic understanding of both engineering and science aspects of ceramic processing. Fundamentals of powder processing and characterization, green body formation, sintering, microstructural development and properties. Prerequisite: MSE 342. Offered: A.

MSE 450 Magnetism, Magnetic Materials, and Related Technologies (3)
Introduces magnetism, magnetic materials, and related applications. Discusses intrinsic and phenomenological concepts of magnetism, ordered magnetics materials, structure-sensitive properties, magnetic phenomena, small particles, thin films, and applications (magnetic recording, permanent magnets, and spin-electronics.

MSE 452 Functional Properties of Materials II (3)
Functional materials including dielectrics, ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, pyroelectrics, opto-electronics, and magnetic materials. Detailed discussion of fundamental relations between the chemical composition, crystal structure, microstructure, and physical properties. Description of general devices and applications of these functional materials. Prerequisite: MSE 352. Offered: W.

MSE 462 Mechanical Behavior of Materials II (3)
Structural influences on mechanical properties of materials and strengthening mechanisms. States of stress and strain, failure criteria, multiaxial loads. Dynamic loading, kinematic and isotropic hardening, plasticity; Flaws and material reliability, probabilistic failures, fracture and toughening mechanisms. Stress life fatigue, fatigue crack growth, viscoelasticity, viscoplasticity. Prerequisite: AA 210; CEE 220; MSE 362. Offered: Sp.

MSE 463 Corrosion and Wear of Materials (3)
Mechanisms of corrosion, thermodynamics, kinetics of corrosion. Passivity; Pourbaix diagrams; corrosion rate testing and measurements; forms of corrosion; effects of alloy and environmental variables; corrosion testing. Wear mechanisms: adhesive, abrasive, erosive. Fretting; surface roughness, wear testing. Coatings for corrosion and wear protection. Offered: Sp.

MSE 466 Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems (3)
Provides project-based training for synthesis and characterization of new energy materials for generation and storage and integrating renewables into energy systems. Employs instruments at the Clean Energy Research Training Testbeds, a UW user facility. Topics include nanoparticle synthesis, solar cell and module characterization, coin cell battery assembly and testing, photochemistry, 2D semiconductors, and grid simulation. Prerequisite: either PHYS 431, E E 421, MSE 311, MSE 312, MSE 313, MSE 351, MSE 352, CHEM E 456, CHEM 455, or CHEM 475, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: jointly with CHEM 466/CHEM E 440/PHYS 466; A.

MSE 471 Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering (3)
Introduction of preparative methods of polymers; physical chemistry of polymeric molecules in solution, liquid and solid phase; thermodynamics of polymers; methods of characterization; mechanical properties; fabrication techniques; properties of commercial polymers. Offered: A.

MSE 474 Nanocomposite Materials (3)
Introduces nanocomposite materials, including fabrication, characterization methods, and applications of nanocomposite materials. Emphasis on biomanufacturing, natural hierarchical nanocomposites and bio-mimetic nanocomposites; two-photon lithography for the fabrication of nanostructured composites; and carbon-based nanocomposites (containing carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanodiamonds) and their applications. Offered: W.

MSE 475 Introduction to Composite Materials (3)
Introduction to advanced composite materials, applications, and manufacturing methods. Overview of different composites with a focus on fiber-reinforced polymers. Thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties and their characterization methods. Overview of processing science of composites with case studies from the aerospace industry. Defects, damage mechanisms, and failure of composites. Offered: A.

MSE 476 Introduction to Optoelectronic Materials (3)
Introduces the optical properties of dielectrics, semiconductors, and metals, and their applications in optoelectronic and photonic devices used in telecommunicatons, biomedical, and renewable energy industries. Prerequisite: CSE 142 or AMATH 301; Completion or concurrent enrollment in MSE 331; or permission of instructor.

MSE 477 Data Science and Materials Informatics (3)
Introduction to data science approaches and their applications to materials science research. Basic skills in data mining, data processing, and machine learning for materials research topics using Python taught through case studies and other methodologies. Recommended: prior programming experience; some experience with Python helpful. Offered: jointly with CHEM 441; A.

MSE 478 Materials and Device Modeling (3)
Implementation of computational and data science methods in materials science discovery and device modeling to gain physical and statistical insights of materials design. First-principles methods, multiscale simulations, and continuum modeling will be introduced within the framework of active machine learning with application of both computational and data science methods to materials study. Prerequisite: MSE 477/CHEM 441. Offered: jointly with CHEM 442.

MSE 479 Big Data for Materials Science (3)
Introduces the challenges and opportunities of the big data era for materials science and chemistry research. Students will gain basic knowledge and skills of data management using high performance computing, including automated data processing, batch processing, and cloud based computational tools that are suitable for materials science research. Prerequisite: MSE 477/CHEM 441. Offered: jointly with CHEM 443.

MSE 482 Biomaterials/Nanomaterials in Tissue Engineering (3)
Provides fundamental understanding of biomaterials, implant applications, and their design consideration. Includes the fundamentals of synthesis, properties, and biocompatibility of metallic, ceramic, polymeric, composite, and biological materials and their applications for both hard and soft tissue replacement, and controlled drug delivery.

MSE 483 Nanomedicine (3)
Covers methods of synthesis and characterization of nano-sized materials and specific considerations for use in biological systems.

MSE 484 Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers (3) NSc
Covers the chemistry, physics, materials science, and applications of semiconducting and metallic conjugated polymers. Examines the structural origins of the diverse electronic and optoelectronic properties of conjugated polymers. Exemplifies applications by light-emitting diodes, lasers, solar cells, thin film transistors, electrochromic devices, biosensors, and batteries. Prerequisite: either CHEM 453 or CHEM 455. Offered: jointly with CHEM 484; A.

MSE 486 Fundamentals of Integrated Circuit Technology (3)
Processing physics, chemistry, and technology, including evaporation, sputtering, epitaxial growth, diffusion, ion implantation, laser annealing, oxidation, chemical vapor deposition, photoresists. Design considerations for bipolar and MOS devices, materials and process characterization. Future trends. Prerequisite: EE 331 or MSE 351. Offered: jointly with E E 486; AW.

MSE 487 Composites Engineering, Production, and Maintenance (3)
Provides overview of composite materials and processes. Covers how the unique characteristics of composites are accommodated in the disciplines and practices of engineering, production, and maintenance to assure composite structural part integrity throughout the product life cycle.

MSE 488 Materials in Manufacturing (3)
Primary manufacturing processes used for developing engineering materials components from metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites.

MSE 489 Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Processing and Applications (3)
Additive manufacturing processes for polymers, metals, ceramics and composite materials. Operating principles, key process parameters important to the part build process, and the importance of design. Microstructure of the build parts, dependence on processing conditions, the mechanical and physical properties, defects and relevant post-processing treatments for each material system. Hybrid processes, and adoption in various fields. Offered: jointly with M E 402; Sp.

MSE 490 Composite Materials in Manufacturing (3)
Manufacturing processes for composite materials, with a focus on thermosets. Composite manufacturing process from raw materials manufacturing to shipping final products. Controlling parameters leading to defects. Balance between design and quality system manufacturing controls, relationship of process development to engineering design, and procedures for materials and process changes. Identification and repair of manufacturing anomalies. Offered: Sp.

MSE 493 Introduction to Design in Materials Engineering (1)
Provides overview of engineering design process and professional skills that prepare students for their capstone design project and future engineering workplaces. Topics include engineering design process and methodology; overview of several frameworks and tools common in engineering design; teamwork and project management; technical communication; engineering economics; and other professional skills. Prerequisite: MSE 310. Offered: A.

MSE 494 Design in Materials Engineering I (2)
Integration of technical materials engineering concepts with professional components related to materials engineering. Reviews materials design, teamwork, leadership, engineering economics, and ethics. Beginning of a two-quarter, team design project on materials engineering. Prerequisite: MSE 313; MSE 352; and MSE 493. Offered: W.

MSE 495 Design in Materials Engineering II (3)
Integration of technical materials engineering concepts with professional components related to materials engineering. Reviews process design, manufacturability, and quality control. Completes the two-quarter team design project on materials engineering. Prerequisite: MSE 494. Offered: Sp.

MSE 497 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 12)
Research in materials under faculty supervision other than the MSE senior project. Cannot be used toward the technical elective requirements in the MSE major. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

MSE 498 Special Topics (1-5, max. 15)
Special topics in materials science and engineering offered as a course with lectures, conferences, or laboratory. Offered: AWSpS.

MSE 499 Senior Project (*-, max. 5)
Materials science and engineering field or laboratory investigations in group or individual setting. Final written report and oral presentation required. Offered: AWSpS.

MSE 501 Nanostructures and Nanomaterials (3)
Fundamentals relevant to the synthesis, properties and applications of nanostructures and nanomaterials. Experimental approaches in the fabrication and processing of nanostructures and nanomaterials. Characterization of nanostructures and nanomaterials. Offered: A, even years.

MSE 502 Sol-Gel Processing (3)
Fundamentals of colloid science and the physics and chemistry of the sol-gel process. Emphasizes the synthesis and applications of various materials, such as multi-component oxides, nano-composites, meso- and microporous materials, organic/inorganic hybrids, and biomaterials that have important applications in both leading technologies and modern industries. Offered: A, odd years.

MSE 503 Thermodynamics in Materials Science (3)
Fundamentals of thermodynamics relevant to materials science and engineering. Application of the principles of thermodynamics and criteria for equilibrium used to define conditions of equilibrium for all classes of multiphase and multicomponent materials. Emphasis on generating maps of equilibrium states including phase diagrams and predominance diagrams. Effects of interfaces on equilibrium, crucial in materials processes and applications. Offered: A.

MSE 504 Introduction to Microelectro Mechanical Systems (4)
Theoretical and practical aspects in design, analysis, and fabrication of MEMS devices. Fabrication processes, including bulk and surface micromachining. MEMS design and layout. MEMS CAD tools. Mechanical and electrical design. Applications such as micro sensors and actuators, or chemical and thermal transducers, recent advances. Course overlaps with: EE P 504. Offered: jointly with E E 504/M E 504.

MSE 505 Modeling of MEMS (4)
Microelectro mechanical systems (MEMS) including lumped modeling, conjugate power variables, electrostatic and magnetic actuators, linear transducers, linear system dynamics, design optimization, and thermal analysis. Numerical modeling topics include electro (quasi) static, mechanical, electro mechanical, magneto (quasi) static, and fluidic phenomena; parametric analysis, visualization of multi-dimensional solutions; and verification of results. Offered: jointly with E E 503.

MSE 510 Bonding, Crystallography, and Symmetry-Related Properties of Materials (3)
Rigorous introduction to the fundamentals of bonding, symmetry, crystallography, and related properties. Quantum mechanical foundation of cohesion and properties of solids. Geometric approach to understanding symmetry elements in 2-D and 3-D, including point groups, space groups, stereographic projections, and bravais lattices. Tensor properties of crystals related to crystallography and symmetry. Offered: A.

MSE 512 Experimental Transmission Electron Microscopy (3)
Fundamentals of electron optics as applied to microscopy; applications of contrast theories and electron diffraction with emphasis on defects and multiphase structures in crystalline solids. Prerequisite: MSE 510. Offered: W, odd years.

MSE 513 Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory (2)
One four-hour laboratory and one two-hour discussion/demonstration per week; metallic, ceramic, electronic biological sample preparation techniques; diffraction, imaging, and spectroscopy techniques in electron microscopy. Prerequisite: MSE 512 which may be taken concurrently. Offered: W, odd years.

MSE 515 Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy (3)
Principles of image formation in crystalline and amorphous materials at the atomic resolution level; high spatial resolution electron diffraction with emphasis on convergent beam electron diffraction; quantitative elemental compositional and chemical analysis with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy; high voltage electron microscopy. Prerequisite: MSE 512 and MSE 513.

MSE 520 Seminar (1, max. 6)
Review of research problems in recent literature. Registration required for all graduate students. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

MSE 525 Kinetics and Phase Transformations (3)
Thermodynamic basis for kinetic processes, including diffusion and phase transformation kinetics. Diffusion problems and solution methodologies, statistical treatment of diffusion, solid-liquid and solid-solid transformations, ordering transitions. Special topics related to grain growth, sintering, martensitic transformations. Prerequisite: MSE 322 and MSE 421 or equivalent. Offered: Sp.

MSE 529 Semiconductor Optoelectronics (4)
Covers optical processes in semiconductors; optical waveguide theory; junction theory; LEDs; lasers photodetectors; photovoltaics; and optical modulators and switches. Prerequisite: E E 485. Offered: jointly with E E 529.

MSE 539 Renewable Energy I (4)
Covers the underlying physics, manufacturing and performance of current and emerging photovoltaic solar cell and module technologies in a comparative approach. The course will also present practical aspects of the solar resource, module integration, systems and energy production. Course overlaps with: TECE 533. Recommended: Undergraduate physics and chemistry at the engineering or science level. Students without some previous solid state physics, electronic materials, or semiconductor device coursework may require extra reading. Offered: jointly with M E 539; W.

MSE 541 Defects in Materials (3)
Detailed study of the general properties and effects of point, line, and planar defects in crystalline solids. Prerequisite: MSE 331 or equivalent. Offered: W.

MSE 542 Data Science and Materials Informatics (3)
Introduction to data science approaches and their applications to materials science research. Basic skills in data mining, data processing, and machine learning for materials research topics using Python taught through case studies and other methodologies. Recommended: prior programming experience; and some experience with Python helpful. Offered: jointly with CHEM 541; A.

MSE 543 Materials and Device Modeling (3)
Implementation of computational and data science methods in materials science discovery and device modeling to gain physical and statistical insights of materials design. First-principles methods, multiscale simulations, and continuum modeling will be introduced within the framework of active machine learning with application of both computational and data science methods to materials study. Prerequisite: either MSE 477/CHEM 441, MSE 542/CHEM 541, CHEM E 545/CHEM 545/MSE 545, or CHEM E 546/CHEM 546/MSE 546 (or equivalents). Offered: jointly with CHEM 542.

MSE 544 Big Data for Materials Science (3)
Introduces the challenges and opportunities of the big data era for materials science and chemistry research. Students will gain basic knowledge and skills of data management using high performance computing, including automated data processing, batch processing, and cloud based computational tools that are suitable for materials science research. Prerequisite: either MSE 477/CHEM 441, MSE 542/CHEM 541, or both CHEM E 545/MSE 545/CHEM 545 and CHEM E 546/MSE 546/CHEM 546. Offered: jointly with CHEM 543; Sp.

MSE 550 Magnetism, Magnetic Materials, and Related Technologies (3)
Introduce magnetism, magnetic materials, and related applications. Discusses intrinsic and phenomenological concepts of magnetism, ordered magnetic materials, magnetic phenomena, small particles, thin films, and applications (magnetic recording, permanent magnets, and spin-electronic). Offered: Sp.

MSE 555 Biomimetics: Bioinspired Design and Processing of Materials (4)
How biological organisms produce materials with controlled structure, chemistry, and hierarchy to attain physical properties far superior to traditional engineering materials. Fundamental biological building materials, their synthesis, and their self-assembly with emphasis on examples of soft and hard tissues. Offered: W, even years.

MSE 561 Introduction to Quantum Information Science and Engineering for Chemists and Materials Scientists (3)
Introduction to the core concepts of quantum information science and engineering including mathematical and quantum mechanical foundations, qubits, coherence, entanglement, applications, and materials systems Prerequisite: CHEM 455 or CHEM 475. Offered: jointly with CHEM 561; A.

MSE 562 Introduction to Electronic Composites (3)
Fundamentals of microstructure-macro-property relation of electronic composites. This course covers applications (computers, laser packages, medical devices, MEMS, avionics), functions (mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, and optical), microstructure-macro-property relations, processing issues, and modeling of electronic composites. Offered: jointly with M E 562; Sp.

MSE 563 Advanced Composites: Manufacturing and Processing (3)
Introduction to polymer rheology and laminate theory. Manufacturing and design considerations for polymer-matrix composites. Fundamental concepts related to composite fabrication methods such as filament winding, autoclave, press-consolidation, thermoplastic molding, extrusion, etc. Concepts governing automated fabrication methods such as automated fiber placement. Manufacturing and processing guidelines for bonding and welding composites. Prerequisite: either MSE 475, M E 450, or equivalent by permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with M E 563; Sp.

MSE 565 Electron Theory of Materials (3)
Solid-state concepts of materials. Atomic bonding, statistical mechanics, Brillouin zone theory. Applications to conduction, optical, and magnetic properties of metals, semiconductors, and insulators. Offered: W, odd years.

MSE 566 Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems (3)
Provides project-based training for synthesis and characterization of new energy materials for generation and storage and integrating renewables into energy systems. Employs instruments at the Clean Energy Research Training Testbeds, a UW user facility. Topics include nanoparticle synthesis, solar cell and module characterization, coin cell battery assembly and testing, photochemistry, 2D semiconductors, and grid simulation. Offered: jointly with CHEM 566/CHEM E 540/PHYS 566; A.

MSE 568 Active and Sensing Materials (3)
Fundamental knowledge of the nano-structure property relations of active and sensing materials, and their devices. Examples of the active and sensing materials include: shape memory alloys (SMAs), ferromagnetic SMAs, ferroelectric, pyroelectric and piezoelectric materials, thermoelectrics, electroactive and conducting polymers, photoactive polymers, photovoltaics, and electrochromic materials. Offered: jointly with M E 568; Sp.

MSE 570 Graduate Tutorial in Materials Science and Engineering I (2)
Physical and chemical structures of materials and their relationship to properties. Understanding and applying the following material science concepts: atomic bonding, crystallography, defects and diffusion, thermodynamics, phase diagrams, and phase transformations. Recommended: introductory undergraduate course in materials science. Offered: A.

MSE 571 Graduate Tutorial in Materials Science and Engineering II (2)
Mechanical, electrical, dielectric, optical, and thermal properties of materials; applying these concepts. Prerequisite: MSE 570. Offered: W.

MSE 574 Nanocomposite Materials (3)
Introduces nanocomposite materials, including fabrication, characterization methods, and applications of nanocomposite materials. Emphasis on biomanufacturing, natural hierarchical nanocomposites and bio-mimetic nanocomposites; two-photon lithography for the fabrication of nanostructured composites; and carbon-based nanocomposites (containing carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanodiamonds) and their applications. Offered: W.

MSE 575 Introduction to Composite Materials (3)
Introduction to advanced composite materials, applications, and manufacturing methods. Overview of different composites with a focus on fiber-reinforced polymers. Thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties and their characterization methods. Overview of processing science of composites with case studies from the aerospace industry. Defects, damage mechanisms, and failure of composites. Offered: A.

MSE 576 Introduction to Optoelectronic Materials (3)
Introduces the optical properties of dielectrics, semiconductors, and metals, and their applications in optoelectronic and photonic devices used in telecommunicatons, biomedical, and renewable energy industries.

MSE 582 Biomaterials/Nanomaterials in Tissue Engineering (3)
Provides fundamental understanding of biomaterials, implant applications, and their design consideration. Includes the fundamentals of synthesis, properties, and biocompatibility of metallic, ceramic, polymeric, composite, and biological materials and their applications for both hard and soft tissue replacement, and controlled drug delivery.

MSE 583 Nanomedicine (3)
Covers methods of synthesis and characterization of nano-sized materials and specific considerations for use in biological systems.

MSE 587 Composites Engineering, Production, and Maintenance (3)
Provides overview of composite materials and processes. Covers how the unique characteristics of composites are accommodated in the disciplines and practices of engineering, production, and maintenance to assure composite structural part integrity throughout the product life cycle.

MSE 588 Materials in Manufacturing (3)
Primary manufacturing processes used for developing engineering materials components from metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites.

MSE 589 Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Processing and Applications (3)
Additive manufacturing processes for polymers, metals, ceramics and composite materials. Operating principles, key process parameters important to the part build process, and the importance of design. Microstructure of the build parts, dependence on processing conditions, the mechanical and physical properties, defects and relevant post-processing treatments for each material system. Hybrid processes, and adoption in various fields. Offered: jointly with M E 506; Sp.

MSE 590 Composite Materials in Manufacturing (3)
Manufacturing processes for composite materials, with a focus on thermosets. Composite manufacturing process from raw materials manufacturing to shipping final products. Controlling parameters leading to defects. Balance between design and quality system manufacturing controls, relationship of process development to engineering design, and procedures for materials and process changes. Identification and repair of manufacturing anomalies. Offered: Sp.

MSE 599 Special Topics in Materials Science (1-5, max. 15)
Studies of special advanced topics in materials science. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

MSE 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.

MSE 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.

MSE 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.