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MKTG 275 Marketing Essentials (3) SSc
Explores marketing principles and their usefulness in diverse business and organizational settings. Discusses controllable and uncontrollable factors in making marketing decisions, and the implications of product life cycle for decision-making. Develops working knowledge of marketing strategy. Not open for credit to students pursuing a Business degree.

MKTG 301 Marketing Concepts (4)
Tools, factors, and concepts used by management in planning, establishing policies, and solving marketing problems. Marketing concepts, consumer demand and behavior, location analysis, marketing, functions, institutions, channels, prices, and public policy. Course overlaps with: MKTG 305. Prerequisite: ECON 200.

MKTG 305 Essentials of Marketing and Sales (5)
Introduction of the marketing concepts with an emphasis on strategic thinking and understanding consumer markets while learning basics of promotion to create an effective marketing plan. Introduces the basics of a selling approach while working with others solve problems to sell to other businesses or consumers. Course overlaps with: MKTG 301.

MKTG 315 The Business of Personal Branding and Athletics (4)
Provides students hands-on business and campaign planning experience, rooted in best practices of consumer/sports marketing. Particular emphasis on how to define, develop, and promote the personal brand of a professional or student athlete.

MKTG 335 Principles of Selling (4)
Focuses on selling from salesperson's perspective, role of persuasion in professional selling and other organizational settings. In addition to coursework in such areas as consumer behavior, negotiation, and communication, students practice sales skills in role plays, presentations, and other exercises requiring practical application of selling theory. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305.

MKTG 370 Retailing (4)
Profit planning and business control; buying, stock control, pricing, promotion; store location, layout, organization, policies, systems; coordination of store activities. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305; may not be repeated.

MKTG 411 Business to Business Marketing (4)
Covers the integrated marketing approach that enables a supplier firm to understand, create, and deliver value to other businesses, governments, and institutional customers. Case-based and project-oriented approach to studying marketing management in the business-to-business market that brings the fundamental concepts to life with practical example. Prerequisite: MKTG 301.

MKTG 430 Sales Force Management (4)
Focuses on the role of the sales manager within the organization. Includes distribution planning, sales organization, management of the sales force, methods of sales, cost and financial analysis, and performance analysis. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305; may not be repeated.

MKTG 445 Multicultural Marketing and Business Development (4) DIV
Integrates tools from marketing, consulting, and multi-cultural business management to provide consulting services to small business in economically-distressed communities. Working in teams with assistance from industry mentors and alumni from the course, students gain practical experience in multi-cultural marketing, consulting, and managing a business. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305. Offered: jointly with MGMT 445.

MKTG 450 Consumer Behavior (4)
Theory and practice pertinent to marketing decisions; utilization of theories from behavioral sciences in marking research; theories of fashion, characteristics of goods, shopping behavior, product differentiation, market segmentation, and opinion leadership; application of concepts to management of advertising, personal selling, pricing, and channels of distribution. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305; may not be repeated.

MKTG 452 Consumer Marketing and Brand Strategy (4)
Presents a consumer psychology inspired framework for cultivating and maximizing brand equity. Specific emphasis on brand positioning, visual identity design, brand association creation, and brand portfolio management. Greater attention to consumer-facing brands, but B2B brands will also be discussed. Prerequisite: MKTG 301.

MKTG 454 Strategic Product Management (4)
Focuses on best practices in new product development including customer-centric innovation, market identification, prototype development, value proposition communication, testing tactics and launch strategy. Prerequisite: MKTG 301; may not be repeated.

MKTG 455 Entrepreneurial Marketing (4)
Examines the skills and tools entrepreneurs need for bootstrap marketing in their start-up firms. Students learn to identify target market segments, position their products, estimate demand, set prices, gain access to channels, and manage the issues of rapid growth. Prerequisite: MKTG 301; may not be repeated. Offered: jointly with ENTRE 455.

MKTG 456 Advertising (4)
Management of the advertising function and its integration with other forms of promotion. Planning the program, determining the most effective approach, evaluation of media and budget, advertising research, advertising institutions, economic and social aspects. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305; may not be repeated.

MKTG 460 Consumer Insights (4)
Examines marketing research process; steps of research design, questionnaire construction, sampling, data analysis, evaluation/presentation of findings, online research, and web surveys. Class project provides practical application. May not be repeated. Prerequisite: MKTG 301; either ECON 311, QMETH 201, STAT 220, STAT 221/CS&SS 221/SOC 221, STAT 301, STAT 311, or STAT 390.

MKTG 462 Customer Analytics (4)
Focuses on how to use existing customer data to develop marketing strategies that improve customer response. The featured analytics translate customer data into inferred customer needs that can guide marketing decisions on pricing, advertising, and product recommendations. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305.

MKTG 464 Analytics for Marketing Decisions (4)
Focuses on how firms can use real large scale databases and analytics to improve and automate firm-level marketing decisions. Consists of five modules - product design analytics, analytics for large-scale field experiments, advertising analytics, digital analytics, and mobile analytics. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305.

MKTG 466 Digital Marketing Analytics (4)
Provides a quantitative analysis of the digital marketing landscape on topics such as online advertising, social media, growth strategies and search engine optimization. Explores data-driven methods to evaluate digital opportunities, marketing strategies, and online business models. Course overlaps with: TBANLT 480. Prerequisite: MKTG 301 or MKTG 305.

MKTG 468 Pricing Strategy and Analytics (4)
Blends marketing analytic frameworks, marketing strategy and microeconomic theory, and data to formulate actionable pricing strategies. Covers how to coordinate pricing decisions with the rest of the marketing value proposition. Includes numerous pricing structures along with their microeconomic foundations. Prerequisite: MKTG 301. Offered: W.

MKTG 470 International Marketing (4)
Focuses on assessing international marketing opportunities, formulating and implementing international marketing strategies. Examines how to use marketing analyses and deductive decision modeling in assessing international marketing opportunities. Uses marketing tools and concepts in the planning, preparation, and presentation and discussion of cases and class project. Prerequisite: MKTG 301; may not be repeated.

MKTG 485 Strategic Market Management (4)
Strategically analyzes important marketing issues by combining basic models of marketing with powerful spreadsheet analysis. Case discussions and projects provide valuable application exercises. Prerequisite: MKTG 301.

MKTG 490 Special Topics and Issues in Marketing (1-6, max. 12)
Contemporary topics and issues in marketing: marketing in nonprofit organizations, marketing of services, marketing in the public sector, and marketing in an economy of scarcity. Ordinarily only one topic area is addressed in any one quarter. Course content reflects contemporary developments and the current interests of instructors and students. Prerequisite: MKTG 301.

MKTG 495 Marketing Internship (1-4, max. 8)
An internship with a company, not for profit organization, or government agency in a marketing capacity. Prerequisite: MKTG 301. Credit/no-credit only.

MKTG 496 Marketing Practicum (4)
Offers opportunities to apply principles, concepts, and skills learned previously to actual business situations. Participation in class part-time and in an internship with a business employer part-time. Prerequisite: MKTG 335.

MKTG 499 Undergraduate Research (1-6, max. 9)
Prerequisite: MKTG 301.

MKTG 501 Marketing Management (4)
Analysis and management of customer satisfaction in goods and services markets by profit and nonprofit organizations. Buyer behavior, market segmentation and product positioning, product policy, pricing, distribution, sales force and advertising management, and market research in the contexts of strategy development, decision making, implementation, and control.

MKTG 505 Marketing Strategy (4)
Focuses on the role of analytical marketing tools and competitive dynamics in strategy formation. Accentuates the integrative nature of marketing strategy through development of a strategic marketing plan and use of simulation software. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 511 Business-to-Business Marketing (4)
Integrated approach to product marketing management in the business-to-business marketplace. Analysis of core competencies, competitive environment, positioning and segmentation strategies, cost structure, and customer satisfaction. Case-based and project-oriented approach to studying marketing management in the business-to-business market. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing or permission of instructor.

MKTG 518 Strategic Marketing Management (4)
Designed to enable students to become better marketing decision makers, i.e., one who can recommend specific marketing actions that have a higher probability of achieving organizational goals by using a decision process that consumes fewer organizational resources. Offered: W.

MKTG 520 Marketing Channels (4)
Channels of distribution decisions for goods and services in profit and nonprofit organizations. Considers methods of optimizing the number, quality of institutions and activities employed in dealing with exchange, and space and time aspects of channel management. Relates management of marketing channels to marketing mix, organizational objectives. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 530 Managing the Sales System (4)
Examines the revenue generation function of a firm from a system-wide perspective. Topics include strategic and tactical considerations related to customer acquisition and retention, end-to-end sales and support operations, strategic partnerships, and continuous performance monitoring. Emphasis on case studies and team projects. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 531 Product Management (2)
Provides framework to be successful in the development and launching of new products. Covers customer-centric innovation, market identification, prototype development, value proposition communication, testing tactics and launch strategy.

MKTG 535 Analytics Consulting Lab (4)
Provides a real-world learning experience for students to work with sponsoring companies on business questions that revolve around analysis. Students work in teams using analysis to answer current and important business questions. Prerequisite: completion of a college-level statistics class.

MKTG 550 Managing Customer Relationships through Direct Marketing (4)
Management of customer relationships through the lens of direct marketing. Topics include direct marketing creative activity, strategy, and execution; media and segmentation; direct marketing budgeting and financials; targeting, database, and predictive modeling; catalogue marketing; relationship marketing; business-to-business complex sales; privacy. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 552 Consumer Marketing and Brand Strategy (4)
Presents a consumer psychology inspired framework for cultivating and maximizing brand equity. Specific emphasis on brand positioning, visual identity design, brand association creation, and brand portfolio management. Greater attention to consumer-facing brands, but B2B brands will also be discussed. Prerequisite: B A 500 or MKTG 501.

MKTG 554 Strategic Product Management (4)
Focuses on best practices in new product development including customer-centric innovation, market identification, prototype development, value proposition communication, testing tactics and launch strategy. Prerequisite: B A 500 or MKTG 501.

MKTG 555 Entrepreneurial Marketing (4)
Examines the skills and tools entrepreneurs need for bootstrap or guerilla early-stage companies. Covers how to target market segments, position products, estimate demand, set prices, gain access to channels, and manage issues of rapid growth. Prerequisite: B A 501, MKGT 501 or equivalent. Offered: jointly with ENTRE 555.

MKTG 556 Advertising and Promotion Management (4)
Management of advertising and promotional activities and their integration with other elements of the marketing mix. Topics include: understanding the communication process, analyzing markets, working with suppliers, establishing objectives, determining budgets, selecting media, measuring and evaluating effectiveness, using publicity and promotions. Legal, social, and economic consequences are considered. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 560 Consumer Insights (4)
Methods and applications of marketing research to solve marketing problems. Deals with: problem definition, research design, questionnaire construction, sampling, and data analysis using SPSS. Introduces promising new developments in online research, web surveys, and data analysis. Class research project provides practical application. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 562 Customer Analytics (4)
Focuses on how to use existing customer data to develop marketing strategies that improve customer response. The featured analytics translate customer data into inferred customer needs that can guide marketing decisions on pricing, advertising, and product recommendations. Prerequisite: B A 500 or MKTG 501.

MKTG 564 Analytics for Marketing Decisions (4)
Focuses on how firms can use real large scale databases and analytics to improve and automate firm-level marketing decisions. Consists of four key modules - Product design analytics, Pricing analytics, Promotion and advertising analytics, Placement analytics (with focus on digital and mobile channels). Prerequisite: B A 500 or MKTG 501

MKTG 566 Digital Marketing Analytics (4)
Provides a quantitative analytics of the digital marketing landscape on topics such as online advertising, social media, growth strategies and search engine optimization. Explores data-driven methods to evaluate digital opportunities, marketing strategies, and online business models. Course overlaps with: B BUS 561. Prerequisite: B A 500 or MKTG 501.

MKTG 568 Pricing Strategy and Analytics (4)
Blends marketing analytic frameworks, marketing strategy, and microeconomic theory, and data to formulate actionable pricing strategies. Covers how to coordinate pricing decisions with the rest of the marketing value proposition. Content also includes the underlying theory for each pricing structure, along with the practical considerations for implementation. Prerequisite: B A 500 or MKTG 501.

MKTG 570 International Marketing (4)
Analysis of the marketing strategies and tactics of multinational corporations. Choice of entry strategies for foreign markets, analyzing international competition at home and abroad, and developing global marketing strategies. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 575 Marketing High-Technology Products (4)
Management of the marketing requirements of high-technology products. Examines how markets for high-tech products involve shortened product life cycles, demand for continual product updates, perceived risk of adoption by customers, requirements for intensive customer service and relationships, and growing reliance on business partners. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 576 Digital Marketing Systems and Strategies (2)
Covers basics of identity and tracking technologies, provides hands-on experience with several platforms, and leaves students with ability to create a digital marketing strategy plan.

MKTG 579 Special Topics in Marketing (2/4, max. 12)
Marketing topics of current concern to faculty and students. Offered only when allowed by faculty availability and sufficient student interest. Seminar content to be announced in advance of scheduled offerings. Prerequisite: MBA core marketing.

MKTG 581 Doctoral Seminar in Consumer Behavior (4)
Survey of the field of consumer behavior introduces fundamental topics in consumer behavior including cognitive processes, emotion, and consumer satisfaction. Provides exposure to a variety of research methods including experiments, surveys, and phenomenological research.

MKTG 582 Doctoral Seminar in Empirical Models in Marketing (4)
Focuses on the analysis of aggregate and individual marketing data using statistical models.

MKTG 583 Doctoral Seminar in Marketing Strategy (4)
Study of factors influencing business performance and role of marketing in achieving competitive advantage. Analysis of prevailing, and emerging, theories underlying strategic thinking and competitive process. Examination of empirical research regarding measurement, level, and persistence of business success and implications of findings for theory and strategy development. Prerequisite: BA RM 580.

MKTG 584 Doctoral Seminar in Marketing Performance Measurement (2/4, max. 12)
Examines the central theoretical and empirical issues underlying research in assessing marketing performance.

MKTG 591 Doctoral Seminar in Social Influence and Consumer Behavior (4)
Examines research topics in consumer behavior related to social influence - how social perception, group processes, and identity influence consumer response to marketing-related activities.

MKTG 592 Theories and Approaches in Behavioral Consumer Research (4)
Reviews contemporary theories and research on how consumers process information and form judgments of products, brands and services. Also reviews the role of consumption decisions on consumer well-being.

MKTG 593 Doctoral Seminar in Applied Game Theory (4)
Provides an introduction to how analytical models can be developed to advance marketing theory and be applied in marketing. Focuses on the fundamentals of developing, analyzing, and interpreting game theory models to inform marketing decisions.

MKTG 594 Doctoral Seminar in Behavioral Decision Theory (4)
Reviews the foundations, applications, and major streams of research in Behavioral Decision Theory -- the examination of how consumers make decisions, how those processes influence decision outcomes, and how decisions can be improved.

MKTG 595 Doctoral Seminar in Dynamic Choice Models and Counterfactual Reasoning (4)
Introduces models of inter-temporal trade-offs made by consumers and firms. Includes discussion of Markov decision processes, estimation and identification of structural dynamic discrete choice models, offline and online reinforcement learning, and dynamic policy evaluation. Prerequisite: completion of college-level coursework in static discrete choice models; and basic understanding of a programming language.

MKTG 596 Doctoral Seminar in Machine Learning Methods (4)
Focuses on the fundamentals of machine learning techniques, both from a theoretical and applied perspective, that arise in business practice. Prerequisite: completed college-level work in probability and statistics; and basic programming knowledge of Python.

MKTG 599 Doctoral Seminar in Marketing (1, max. 12)
Study and research in advanced topics of marketing. The seminar is generally concerned with unpublished areas of research and conducted by visiting professors and departmental faculty. Prerequisite: doctoral student status.

MKTG 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)