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HEOR 500 Introduction to Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (2)
Provides an introduction to economic evaluation and outcomes research related to pharmaceuticals and other healthcare technologies. Covers the methods of cost-effectiveness analysis and quality of life evaluation, and their use in real-world decision-making.

HEOR 505 Managed Care Pharmacy: Principles and Practice (2)
Surveys the activities, tactics, and strategies used by managed care to deliver pharmacy services to their members. Includes: formulary development, clinical improvement programs, quality improvement measures, regulatory activities, contracting with pharmaceutical manufacturers, network management, financial issues, sales and marketing, and provider relations. Class 2, 3, and 4 PharmD students. Offered: A.

HEOR 510 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (2)
Provides students an overview of best practices to conduct a systematic review of an intervention; then analyzing data through meta-analytic methods. Classroom activities solidify topics covered in lectures and readings. Collaboration with another student to complete a systematic review. Recommended: a basic understanding of statistics and a background in evidence-based medicine. Offered: Sp.

HEOR 520 Pharmacoepidemiology (3)
Overview of pharmacoepidemiology including drug development and approval; application of epidemiologic methods to study drug safety and effectiveness; exploration of the interplay between research and public policy; introduction to resources for information about drugs; introduction to pharmacology principles pertinent to pharmacoepidemiology. Prerequisite: Health Sciences graduate student; either EPI 511 or both EPI 512 and EPI 513. Offered: jointly with EPI 533.

HEOR 530 Economic Evaluation in Health and Medicine (3)
Methods and techniques for evaluating costs and cost-effectiveness of health, medical, and pharmaceutical interventions. Emphasis on economic evaluation, decision analysis, and modeling techniques for resource allocation and decision making. Applications to technology assessment, health policy, clinical practice, and resource allocation. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: A.

HEOR 533 Advanced Methods in Economic and Outcomes Evaluation in Health and Medicine (3)
Seminar course covering advanced methods and techniques for evaluating costs, outcomes, and cost-effectiveness of health, medical, and pharmaceutical interventions. Topics include: network meta-analysis, Markov modeling, probabilistic sensitivity analysis, value of information analysis, utility mapping, conjoint analysis, and budget impact analysis. Prerequisite: HEOR 530. Offered: WSp.

HEOR 534 Assessing Outcomes in Health and Medicine (3)
Seminar course covering concepts and methods for developing and using patient-reported outcomes in health and medicine. Emphasis on patient self-reported health status and quality of life. Qualitative research and psychometric methods applied to health outcomes assessment and all applications. Prerequisite: HEOR 530; either BIOST 511; BIOST 512; and BIOST 513 (which may be taken concurrently), or BIOST 517 and BIOST 518; EPI 512 and EPI 513 (or equivalent); and permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with HSERV 584; Sp.

HEOR 540 Health Economics (3)
Applies microeconomics principles and models to understand the nature of healthcare markets and systems. Includes a wide range of health sector activities and policy issues studied by applying rigorous economic analytical tools coupled with review of key econometric and empirical analysis. Prerequisite: introductory coursework in microeconomic principles and basic statistics. Offered: W.

HEOR 545 Methods in Pharmaceutical Policy Analysis (4)
Introduction to the tools used in and the framework and dominant contexts for pharmaceuticals policy development and analysis. Methods reviewed in a series of sessions presenting a specific method and case analyses involving pharmaceuticals development. Project and in-class presentation required.

HEOR 550 Bayesian Biostatistics (3)
Introduction to Bayesian methods for data analysis; Bayesian reasoning, prior elicitation, inference and decision making, and computation applied to biomedical research. Prerequisite: any course in statistics at the 400-level or higher or instructor's permission. Offered: jointly with BIOST 526/EPI 540; Sp.

HEOR 551 Advanced Health Services Research Methods III: Causal Inference Using Observational Data ([4/5]-)
Focuses on reviewing statistical methods developed for "micro" (individual-level) data on behavior (choices or exposures) and outcomes in order to make causal inference about the role of a choice or an exposure on outcomes. Prerequisite: either HSERV 523, BIOST 511, BIOST 512, BIOST 513, or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with HSERV 525.

HEOR 552 Application of Machine Learning in Health Economics and Outcomes Research (3)
Introduction to machine learning methods, focusing on understanding applied literature, gaining hands-on experience with basic analysis to address health outcomes, policy, and economics related questions, and communicating results to a general scientific audience. Provides overview of topics related to using machine learning for medical decision-making, including model evaluation, algorithmic bias, model shift, and simulation modeling. Prerequisite: one of the following: (1) PHRMCY 514, which may be taken concurrently; (2) BIOST 511; BIOST 512; and BIOST 513 (which may be taken concurrently); (3) BIOST 514 and BIOST 515; (4) BIOST 517 and BIOST 518. Offered: Sp.

HEOR 597 Graduate Seminar (1, max. 24)
Interactive discussion of topical issues, methods, or analytic techniques. Topics vary. Prerequisite: graduate program student. Credit/no-credit only.

HEOR 598 Program in Health Economics and Outcomes Research Methodologies Seminar (1, max. 12)
Research seminar on topics in health economics and outcomes research methodologies Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

HEOR 599 Independent Research (1-6, max. 24)
Provides for independent study or project-based learning in health economics and outcomes research undertaken under the individual direction of a faculty member Prerequisite: permission of instructor; recommended: PHARM 520 or PHRMCY 514. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

HEOR 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

HEOR 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

HEOR 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.