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FRENCH 101 Elementary French (5)
Development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to a basic level of proficiency. Teaches students to communicate in French and understand the cultural context of the language. Methods and objectives are primarily oral-aural. Oral practice in the language laboratory is required. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between FRENCH 101; FRENCH 102; FRENCH 103 (or equivalents); and FRENCH 134. Course equivalent to: BFRNCH 101. Course overlaps with: FRENCH 110. Prerequisite: FL placement test score of 0-14 only needed if French is the language of admission or if previous credit for French appears on transcript. If you have never taken French you do not need to take the placement exam.

FRENCH 102 Elementary French (5)
Development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to a basic level of proficiency. Teaches students to communicate in French and understand the cultural context of the language. Methods and objectives are primarily oral-aural. Oral practice in the language laboratory is required. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between FRENCH 101; FRENCH 102; FRENCH 103 (or equivalents); and FRENCH 134. Course equivalent to: BFRNCH 102. Course overlaps with: FRENCH 110. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 101 or score of 15-30 on FR TL placement test.

FRENCH 103 Elementary French (5)
Development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills to a basic level of proficiency. Teaches students to communicate in French and understand the cultural context of the language. Methods and objectives are primarily oral-aural. Oral practice in the language laboratory is required. Third in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between FRENCH 101; FRENCH 102; FRENCH 103 (or equivalents); and FRENCH 134. Course equivalent to: BFRNCH 103. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 102, FRENCH 110, or score of 31-56 on FR TL placement test.

FRENCH 134 First-year Intensive French (15)
Equivalent of FRENCH 101, FRENCH 102, FRENCH 103. Maximum 15 credits allowed between FRENCH 101; FRENCH 102; FRENCH 103 (or equivalents); and FRENCH 134. Offered: S.

FRENCH 199 Foreign Study - Elementary (4-16, max. 16)
Elementary level instruction in approved foreign study program. Students who wish to satisfy foreign language proficiency requirement must see the departmental adviser and may be required to take additional courses through FRENCH 103.

FRENCH 201 Intermediate French (5) A&H
Designed to bring students to an intermediate level of proficiency. Emphasis on experiencing the language in context through a multi-media approach. First in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between FRENCH 201; FRENCH 202; FRENCH 203; and FRENCH 234. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 103, FRENCH 134, or score of 57-100 on FR TL placement test. Offered: AWSpS.

FRENCH 202 Intermediate French (5) A&H
Designed to bring students to an intermediate level of proficiency. Emphasis on experiencing the language in context through a multi-media approach. Second in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between FRENCH 201; FRENCH 202; FRENCH 203; and FRENCH 234. Prerequisite: FRENCH 201. Offered: AWSpS.

FRENCH 203 Intermediate French (5) A&H
Designed to bring students to an intermediate level of proficiency. Emphasis on experiencing the language in context through a multi-media approach. Third in a sequence of three. Maximum 15 credits allowed between FRENCH 201; FRENCH 202; FRENCH 203; and FRENCH 234. Prerequisite: FRENCH 202. Offered: AWSpS.

FRENCH 210 Paris (5) A&H/SSc
Taught in English. Provides an introduction to the art, architecture, politics, and literature of the City of Light.

FRENCH 211 Renaissance, Enlightenment, Revolution: Major Works in English (5) SSc/A&H
Introduction to major figures of French culture from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century, their contributions to the intellectual life of the Western world. Readings include Montaigne, Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Moliere. In English. Offered: jointly with JSIS D 217.

FRENCH 212 French Masterworks: Modern in English (5) A&H
Introduction to major figures of French culture from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Readings include Balzac, Flaubert, Proust, Sartre, and Celine. In English.

FRENCH 214 The French Fairy Tale Tradition in English (5) A&H
French fairy tales as a major trend in French literature and a continuing influence on modern fictions and films. Particular attention given to the numerous French women writers of fairy tales at the time of Charles Perrault (seventeenth century) and after. In English.

FRENCH 216 Literature in Translation (3/5, max. 8) A&H
Introduction to the study of literary works in translation and the contexts and movements from which they emerge. All readings and discussions in English. Offered: A.

FRENCH 222 Human and Machine Translation (5) SSc
Machine translation's development and implications of its use with an emphasis on the role of humans in machine translation. How machine translation is changing the way translation is approached today. Taught in English, but focuses substantially on materials originally in French. Course overlaps with: TXTDS 222. Recommended: one year of college-level language instruction, proficiency in a heritage language, or equivalent.

FRENCH 223 Sex, Commerce, and the Making of Modern Paris (5) SSc, DIV
Explores how Paris became the city of love. Examines how sexual commerce shaped the identity of the city, how the commercial spaces of the city shaped sexual identities, and how discourses about sexuality contributed to the legitimation of capitalism. Topics include the construction of gender difference, the emergence of mass media, and the commercial origins of queer identities.

FRENCH 224 Histories and Futures of the Book, Texts and Reading (5) A&H/SSc
From medieval manuscripts to commercially printed books to today's rapidly recycled digital content, explores how changing forms have shaped the ways texts have been read and understood, how the spread of printing technology impacted the modern world, how the book-form became dominant, and how a new media revolution (the mass digitization of texts) is again reshaping access to and understanding of the past. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 224/TXTDS 224.

FRENCH 225 Dealing with Death in Francophone Literature and Media (5) A&H
Considers a broad range of French/Francophone cultural media from the Middle Ages to the late twentieth century whose primary concern is death. Investigates how authors and their characters understand, approach, rationalize, engage with, and are emotionally involved with death. Taught in ENGLISH.

FRENCH 226 The Idea of Europe in French Film (5) SSc/A&H
Demonstrates how the European ideal today emerged from a context of extreme conflict. Asks how traces of these conflicts might still haunt modern Europe. Students think critically about the ideals and problem spots of perceived European identity, particularly in relation to non-European cultures. Course overlaps with: CHID 212.

FRENCH 227 Intermediate Conversational French (2, max. 8) A&H
Practice of intermediate-level French conversational skills through class discussion and oral presentations. Topics oriented toward French culture and current events. Prerequisite: FRENCH 103

FRENCH 228 The Water Crisis in Literature and Film (5) SSc/A&H
Interprets a variety of texts (literary, cinematic, etc.) that address the water crisis to understand how water's meaning has changed as people become more conscious of risks in supply (pollution and natural/man-made scarcity) and as access to it is increasingly mediated in light of things like privatization and commodification. Offered: jointly with LIT 228.

FRENCH 229 A Comparative Look at Immigrant Cultural Production in English (5) A&H, DIV
Explores cultural production of contemporary immigrant populations, primarily in France and the United States. Uses an interdisciplinary approach from fields of sociolinguistics, migrant/identity/cultural studies. Considers broad range of examples from interactions between immigrant groups and host countries. Informs students of the processes of identity (re)construction migrants undergo in new environments.

FRENCH 234 Second-year Intensive French (15) A&H
Taught through a task-based approach. This methodology entails exclusive use of French in class and focuses on communicative skills, fostering a highly interactive class in which the language is contextualized and emphasis is placed on meaning as well as forms. Maximum 15 credits allowed between FRENCH 201; FRENCH 202; FRENCH 203; and FRENCH 234. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 103, FRENCH 134, or score of 57-100 on FR TL placement test. Offered: S.

FRENCH 237 Foreign Study Conversational French (2-8, max. 8) A&H
For participants in foreign study programs.

FRENCH 240 Introduction to French and Italian Studies (5) A&H
Introduction to cultures, histories, and ideas from French and Italian-speaking countries. Attention given to connections with current and global issues. Readings and instruction in English. Offered: jointly with ITAL 240; AWSpS.

FRENCH 250 History of French Cinema in English (5) A&H
History of cinema in France from the birth of film, the seventh art, to the present. Socio-historical context of French cinema explored. In English.

FRENCH 297 Foreign Study - French Civilization (3/6, max. 6) A&H
For participants in the Study Abroad Program. Literary tradition, social and cultural values as reflected in literature. Paper (in English) and higher degree of participation required to earn 6 credits. In English.

FRENCH 299 Foreign Study - Intermediate (4-16, max. 16) A&H
Intermediate instruction in approved foreign study program. Evaluation by departmental adviser required to establish proficiency. Further study at 200-level subject to departmental evaluation.

FRENCH 301 Language in the Francophone World (5) A&H
Introduces students to varieties of the French language across time and space. Considers language diversity in France and the uses and varieties of the French language in world regions where it plays an important role, with particular attention to the history of its establishment and the implications of its current status. Develops advanced language skills and cultural competency through oral and written production in the target language. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 203 or FRENCH 234.

FRENCH 302 Cultures of the Francophone World (5) A&H
Introduces the cultural history of the francophone world via a broad survey of literary, cinematic, and other cultural texts in French that inform debates on national culture in France as well as the legacies of the French Empire in the form of discourses on race, immigration, and more in France and its postcolonies. Develops advanced language skills and cultural competency through oral and written production in the target language. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 203 or FRENCH 234.

FRENCH 303 Projects, Pathways, and Possibilities in French Studies (5) A&H
Introduces students to the scholarly and professional fields in which advanced linguistic and cultural knowledge -translation/interpretation, editing, text encoding, archival research, etc.- are key qualifications; provides students with the opportunity to develop a project that demonstrates mastery of a particular skill; develops advanced language skills and cultural competency through oral and written production in the target language. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 301 or FRENCH 302.

FRENCH 306 Texts and Traditions II (5) A&H
Key texts in modern (French Revolution to the present) literature, cinema, and other forms of cultural production from France and the francophone world read in their cultural, political, and historical contexts. Taught in French. Prerequisite: FRENCH 302. Offered: ASp.

FRENCH 308 Foreign Study Composition (3-5, max. 10) A&H
For participants in foreign study programs. Compositions on topical subjects of intermediate difficulty relating to the civilization of the French-speaking countries of Europe. Grammar review as needed. Prerequisite: FRENCH 203.

FRENCH 313 Business Communication in French (5) A&H
Offers students the opportunity to develop French language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) within the context of the French-speaking business world. Business-specific culture emphasized. Prerequisite: FRENCH 302.

FRENCH 314 French Language in Media and Politics (5) SSc/A&H
Develops and applies students' advanced French language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) within the context of media, politics, and current events in the French-speaking world. Conducted in French. Prerequisite: FRENCH 302 Offered: Sp, even years.

FRENCH 315 Everything But Writing; Advanced Oral Skills Development (5) A&H
Focuses entirely on the development of oral production skills, listening comprehension skills and vocabulary expansion, through the use of audio-visual documents as well as texts. Using a task-based approach, achieves a high level of interaction among students while working on group projects and individual presentations. Also focuses on phonetics and pronunciation. Prerequisite: FRENCH 203 Offered: S.

FRENCH 320 French Language and Cultural Identity (5) A&H/SSc
Explores the French language as social practice. Students learn of the social aspect of the evolution of the French language, the dynamic relationship between language and identity, and the linguistic and cultural diversity in the Francophone world. Texts in English. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 103 or FRENCH 134.

FRENCH 327 Advanced Conversation (2, max. 8) A&H
Not open to students whose native language is French. Prerequisite: FRENCH 203.

FRENCH 337 Foreign Study Conversational French (2-8, max. 8) A&H
For participants in foreign study programs. Prerequisite: FRENCH 203.

FRENCH 373 Introduction to Localization and Project Management (5)
Covers basic concepts of translation, localization, and internationalization. Explores rationales for localizing products; history and future of the industry; workflows, professional roles, and localization tools. Includes the application of central concepts of localization to real-life situations; and introduction to the basics of localization project management. Offered: jointly with LING 373.

FRENCH 374 Localization: Technology and Tools (5)
Covers basic concepts of localization and internationalization. Examines how technology and tools are applied to solving translation and localization scenarios in the real world. Includes daily tasks and basic steps; machine translation; community localization; and experience with actual localization tools. Offered: jointly with LING 374.

FRENCH 376 Culture, Politics, and Society in France from the Religious Wars to Revolutions (5) A&H/SSc
Studies the development of intellectual, literary, and artistic cultures in the context of the profound political and social evolutions of the Renaissance through the early nineteenth century in France. Taught in English.

FRENCH 378 The Making of Contemporary France (5) A&H/SSc
Study of the historical origins and subsequent development of contemporary problems and characteristics of French government and politics, economy, and society. Taught in English.

FRENCH 379 French and Francophone Cultural and Literary History through Digital Archives and Tools (5) A&H/SSc
Digital archives and tools offer new resources for studying French and Francophone culture, literature, and history, and have transformed the way to learn about these materials. Takes advantage of new resources, as well as to understand them better: how are these technologies reshaping the ways we undertake research?

FRENCH 390 Supervised Study (2-6, max. 20)

FRENCH 397 Foreign Study French Civilization (3/6, max. 6) A&H
For participants in the foreign study program. Literary tradition, social and cultural values as reflected in literature. Paper (in French) and higher degree of participation required to earn 6 credits. In French. Prerequisite: FRENCH 203.

FRENCH 404 Old French (5) A&H

FRENCH 406 Advanced French Composition (5) A&H
Extensive guidance in advanced French composition, emphasizing stylistics and grammar. Prerequisite: FRENCH 301.

FRENCH 415 French Literature of the Eighteenth Century: Post-Enlightenment (5) A&H
Eighteenth-century literature, with emphasis on the "dark side of the Enlightenment" and nascent romanticism. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 304, FRENCH 305, or FRENCH 306.

FRENCH 416 French Literature of the Nineteenth Century: Romanticism (5) A&H
Nineteenth-century literature, with emphasis on romanticism and the early manifestations of realism. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 304, FRENCH 305, or FRENCH 306.

FRENCH 419 French Literature Since World War II (5) A&H
Twentieth-century literature, with emphasis on the period 1939 to the present. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 304, FRENCH 305, or FRENCH 306.

FRENCH 420 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature (5) A&H
Interdisciplinary studies in French literature and culture, focusing on the complex interactions of literature and other disciplines, i.e. philosophy, psychoanalysis, anthropology, architecture.

FRENCH 431 Critical Approaches to French Poetry (5) A&H
Interdisciplinary approaches to French poetry focusing on the intersection of fine art, cultural movements, and the production of literature in the Second Empire and the Third Republic. Prerequisite: either FRENCH 304, FRENCH 305, or FRENCH 306.

FRENCH 435 Topics in Non-Fiction (5) A&H
Content varies.

FRENCH 441 Quebecois Literature (5) A&H, DIV
Quebecois novels, short stories, and poetry from both indigenous and non-indigenous authors. Emphasis on francophone First Nations writers in context of their history and cultures. Attention to authors' representation of the land and how it shapes their characters' identities. Includes Quebecois films. In French. Prerequisite: FRENCH 303. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 441.

FRENCH 445 Women Writers (5) A&H
Focuses on French women writers and writing about women. Chronological and geographic range varies. Gender issues addressed in critical fashion, considering the different historical and ideological contexts in which each of the works was produced.

FRENCH 447 Queer Histories and Fictions (5) A&H, DIV
Key texts by authors from both inside and outside queer communities, from the last two centuries of French literature. What these texts tell us about France's queer past and ways in which literature questions the straight, binary status quo.

FRENCH 448 Cultures of Franco-America (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Considers a broad range of literary and cultural texts emerging from the long history of the French in North America and Americans in France. Traces processes of racialization; paying particular attention to intersections between race and class, gender, and sexuality. Texts in French and English.

FRENCH 450 Themes in French Literature and Culture (5) A&H
Interdisciplinary studies in French literature and culture, focusing on the construction and representation of gender roles in the French novel from the early eighteenth century.

FRENCH 455 One Author in French Literature/Culture (5, max. 15) A&H
In-depth focus on the works of one author in French literature or culture.

FRENCH 457 One Decade in French Literature and Culture (5, max. 15) A&H
Content varies.

FRENCH 458 French Art and Literature: Period Studies (5) A&H
Comparative studies of theme and technique in art and literature to illustrate major concerns of a particular period as expressed in these two media.

FRENCH 470 Cinema (5) A&H
Major films and figures of French cinema from the beginnings to the present.

FRENCH 472 Translation Theory and Practice (5) A&H
This course develops advanced translation skills through work on a variety of genres (literary, commercial, journalistic, etc.) and in a variety of modes (interpreting, subtitling, etc.). It also engages translation theory by considering the problem of cultural difference embedded in language and broader issues of originality in and the "ownership" of the translated text. Conducted in French and English. Prerequisite: two of FRENCH 301, FRENCH 302, or FRENCH 303. Offered: W, even years.

FRENCH 474 Reading and Writing: Manuscripts in the Middle Ages (5) SSc/A&H
Production, transmission, and circulation of texts in late medieval France and Italy. Theories and methods used when editing medieval texts. Examines the rising importance of the written word and of cultures of reading for many critical aspects in late medieval French life and their influences on Italian culture at the time. In English.

FRENCH 490 Honors Seminar (2-5, max. 10) A&H
Special studies in French literature. Required of candidates for Honors in French.

FRENCH 499 Special Topics (1-5, max. 10)
Topics to meet specific needs.

FRENCH 510 Methodology of French Language Teaching (2-5, max. 5)
Theoretical and practical foundation of teaching French. Major topics include modern theories of language and language acquisition which underlie modern methods of foreign language teaching, teaching techniques, testing, and classroom relations with emphasis on the multiple-approach direct method. Required for beginning French teaching assistants. Credit/no-credit only.

FRENCH 515 French Literature of the High Middle Ages (5, max. 10)
Old French literature, from the beginning to 1315. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

FRENCH 516 Middle French Literature (5, max. 10)
French literature from 1315 to 1500. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

FRENCH 541 History of the French Language (5)
Survey of the phonological, morphological, and syntactical development of the French language from its origins to the present.

FRENCH 550 Methods in Literary and Humanistic Scholarship (5)
Review of basic tools, techniques, and paradigms for scholarly research and writing in literary studies and the humanities. Offered: jointly with ITAL 550.

FRENCH 551 Theories of the Text from Medieval Manuscripts to Digital Media (5)
Overview of textual theory and literary criticism. Foundations in philology and literary history. Bibliography and textual criticism. Formalist and poststructuralist critiques. Sociology and materiality of the text. History of the book. Texts in the digital age. Offered: jointly with ITAL 551.

FRENCH 552 Manuscript Cultures (5)
Techniques, terminology, and bibliography of manuscript scholarship. The production of manuscripts from Antiquity through the Renaissance; the evolution of scripts; the rise of literacy; and the development of libraries in Italy and France. Topics and methods include material philology, textual criticism, relations between text/image, and the digitalization of manuscripts. Offered: jointly with ITAL 552.

FRENCH 553 Topics in Print Culture (5)
Key readings, theoretical questions, and critical approaches in book history, focusing on printed texts from Gutenberg to today. The impacts of evolving technologies, material forms, and circulation within French, Italian, and other literary traditions. Methods and tools for evaluating an interpreting these impacts (bibliography, historie du livre, and textual scholarship). Offered: jointly with ITAL 553.

FRENCH 554 Translation: Practice, Identity, Power (5)
Explores theories of translation practice, the articulation of identity in translation, and translation and its relation to fields of power. Each of these three areas is treated in a separate module, but the overlap between them animates discussions that present translation as a set of practices and heuristics that operates across disciplines. Conducted in English, but students work with the source languages of their research area. Recommended: advanced reading knowledge in a language other than English.

FRENCH 565 Studies in French Drama (5, max. 10)
Studies in French drama, sixteenth to twentieth centuries.

FRENCH 570 Seminar in Cinema (5, max. 10)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

FRENCH 577 Modern Critical Methods (5)
Modern critical methodology and theory.

FRENCH 578 Qualitative Research Methods (5)
Theoretical and practical fundamentals of qualitative research methods. Involves designing and implementing a small-scale qualitative study; collecting different forms of qualitative data (field notes, interviews, participant observation); exploring data analysis; learning how to code date qualitatively; and presenting findings. For graduate students in humanities and social sciences.

FRENCH 590 Special Seminar and Conference (1-10, max. 30)
Group seminars, or individual conferences, are scheduled under this number to meet special needs. Prerequisite: permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator.

FRENCH 591 Literary Problems: Middle Ages (5, max. 10)

FRENCH 592 Literary Problems: Renaissance (5, max. 10)

FRENCH 593 Literary Problems: Seventeenth Century (5, max. 10)

FRENCH 594 Literary Problems: Eighteenth Century (5, max. 10)

FRENCH 595 Literary Problems: Nineteenth Century (5, max. 10)

FRENCH 596 Literary Problems: Twentieth Century (5, max. 10)

FRENCH 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)

FRENCH 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

FRENCH 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.